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Cheap Landscaping Hacks That will Elevate Your Yard

With spring on the horizon, the snow is melting away leaving behind brown spotted grass and unwanted rocks in your front yard. The front yard is the first thing any guest or passerby sees when they approach your house. It is important to keep your yard tighty and fresh to give a good impression. Lets face it, the old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” is only good in practice. An unkempt yard is like your house not brushing its teeth for days. Professional landscapers are expensive but worth it. But, if you do not wish to break the bank on landscaping, or just enjoy DIY projects, here are a few inexpensive landscaping hacks that will elevate your yard this spring. 
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Incorporate Plants that Require Little Water

Gardening can be time consuming and regimented. Taking care of flowers and plants can feel like you are taking care of a child. Buying plants that require little water can be time and money saving. Some plants require so little water that they can live off of rainfall meaning there is no upkeep. Here are some plants that require little water; 

Agave, Blanket Flower “Gaillardia”, Cacti, Lavender, Portulaca, Rose Champion, Russian Sage, Succulents, Verbena, & Wallflower 

Composting Adding composted rich soil can provide many benefits to your garden. Composting reduces waste, decreases methane emission from landfills, improves soil health, and conserves water. Big bags of nutrient rich soil can get expensive especially if you have a large flower bed. Composting requires time to separate the necessary ingredients to get the most nutrients out of soil which is quite smelly. Giving plants cheap soil is like feeding it McDonalds. Compositing is a great way to cut down on the cost of nutrient rich soil.
Painted Rocks Depending on your artistic skills, painting rocks can save money on garden signs. This is a great arts and crafts activity for kids. This garden hack does have some practical use other than labeling your garden with rocks. Hand painting a strawberry on a rock can protect growing strawberries from animals eating them. Additionally, bright red metallic colors scare away birds.
Allow Bees In Your Garden-space Do not pick those wildflowers in your garden. They may be classified as “weeds,” but they attract bees. There is a stigma that bees are bad and only want to sting us. But, they play a very important role in pollination and the health of your garden. Encouraging bees to flutter around can make your yard more lush with life. Do not scare the bees and they will not even acknowledge you.   
Create A Walk-through Tunnel With Vegetable Vines Strategic placement of wire around a walkway can provide support for vines to grow around. Vegetables like gourds or pumpkins will wrap around the wire creating an enchanting garden feature. This hack seems unattainable, but aside from placing the wire mother nature does the work for you.


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