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Newborn Product Necessities: Snoo, Boppy, Side Snap Onesies & More

Newborn Product Necessities: Snoo, Boppy Pillow & More

2 min read

Mar 14, 2022 | 0 comments

Author: Mary Kate Maguire

When it comes to babies, and your wallet, it’s no joke.

Every year, companies launch their latest innovative infant products into the baby market overflowing the newborn essentials checklist with items you can’t understand why you need.  

Social Media Influencers are no help either, with their mom-approved purchases endorsed solely out of free samples and brand sponsorship deals. 

Your list of newborn must-haves keeps growing, your expenses keep rising, and the stress bombarding your finances seems inevitable.

But all babies are not the same, nor do they respond to every product the same way. So, what’s the deal?

We’ve compiled a list of the items you will ACTUALLY use when it comes to preparing for your newborn along with some products you should probably hold off on purchasing until your little one arrives.

Must Haves

The Boppy Pillow The Boppy Pillow is the perfect little cushion to cradle your newborn when you want to give your arms a break! Designed for support for breastfeeding moms, the Boppy Pillow is a multipurpose aid for every type of mom!

Unlike a regular throw pillow, the Boppy Pillow molds to your baby’s body and is designed to secure them in a comfortable position that they can’t wiggle their way out of. Lightweight and easy to transfer to any room in the house, the Boppy Pillow is a lifesaver for moms on the move. With an assortment of colors and attachments to choose from, The Boppy Pillow will run anywhere between $15-$40.

The Side Snap Onesie Changing a delicate newborn’s outfit is hard enough.  The side snap onesie makes your clothing swap a little simpler!

Designed like a bathrobe, the fabric slips around your newborn’s limbs and snaps into place, with plenty of room for mobility. No pulling fabric over your little one’s head and no changing tantrums. It’s a win-win for mom and baby. A pack of 4-5 side snap onesies on Amazon will run about $20!

Soft Black and White Books Most babies view the world as one big blurry blob until they reach about 4 months of age.  Bold, simple, patterns and shapes are the easiest images for newborns to interpret! 

Soft Black and White books are an exciting way for your baby to begin engaging with the world.  Your newborn will love exploring their new sight skills while learning to touch and feel the soft edges of the book. These staples are flooding the Amazon marketplace, with a pack of 4 books running at just $15. Entertainment for an easy price!

Butt Paste & Spatula Soothing a diaper rash is a daily newborn duty.  Attending to their sensitive skin can be tricky, but the Bordeaux Butt Paste and pairing spatula tool will soon be your best friend.  Mess-free application and fast-acting relief are guaranteed with this duo. A 14oz tub at $14 will last your little one 6 months+.

Pricey – Not Practical

The Snoo The Snoo Smart-Sleeper Bassinet’s claim to fame is its built-in motion and soothing sound abilities, designed to rock your newborn to sleep with ease. 

But the truth is, babies aren’t accustomed to life outside the womb for quite some time and rarely want to be separated from their mothers.  It’s likely that you’ll end up rocking your little one to sleep yourself at night for the first 6 months, so a regular, cushioned bassinet at $100 will do the exact same job for less than a fraction of the price.

Neutral Activity Mats The big trend these days in newborn land is neutrals. Bohemian. Instagram aesthetic.

But the truth is, babies love COLOR.

Colorful Activity Mats excite your newborn’s senses and will keep them engaged far longer than a cream, tan-colored, or wooden play gym will.  While these neutral play mats stay within the $40-$60 range, investing in one of the colorful, fun play gyms available on Amazon from a $40-$130 price point will save you money in the long-run of entertainment for your baby.

Swaddles & Pacifiers Every Instagram mom will tell you about the best pacifiers and swaddles to buy your newborn. Particularly, products decked out in trendy neutral tones, floral prints, or made from organic materials.  However, many babies hate being swaddled and refuse to use the pacifier.

But tons of babies require a swaddle or a pacifier to sleep too! 

Hold off on investing in these products until you learn the habits of your baby, so you can truly spend your money wisely.

Tons of Newborn Clothes Babies grow so fast! Before you know it, your little one will be out of their newborn clothes and transitioning into their 3-6 month size clothes.

Friends and family will likely stock up your newborn clothes supply at your baby shower, so don’t spend the extra money on those sizes.  Instead, invest in 6-9 month clothing and up, so that you are prepared with the right size clothes when your newborn hits a growth spurt!

Prepping for your newborn is an exciting time!

It’s easy to be overwhelmed with your newborn checklist and it’s just as easy to swipe your credit card for those “must-have” baby purchases without a second thought.

Be sure to review these tips and conduct plenty of product research before you stock up on must-haves for your newfound bundle of joy!

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