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Spring Closet Cleanout: Declutter & earn $$ From Old Clothes

Spring Closet Cleanout: Declutter & earn $$ From Old Clothes

2 min read

by | Apr 12, 2021 | Make and $ave | 0 comments

Everyone’s favorite and least favorite seasonal activity has arrived – spring cleaning – and this week, we’re diving headfirst into your closet. Whether it was poor online purchases made in quarantine (it’s alright, we all needed it at the time) or those jeans that don’t fit quite right anymore, lots of things have got to go. Luckily, we’ve got your back. Here are your best tips for a successful closet decluttering weekend followed by some ideas to recycle those clothes (and maybe even make some $$).

Where do I even start?

To do this right, pull it alllll out of your closet and drop it on the floor. It’s far more difficult to let something go when it’s already nice and tidy on a hanger, so it’s important to break down any barriers keeping you from saying goodbye.

Then, divide your clothes by type and conquer. Start with your closet then move onto your dresser and shoe rack. Be sure to make separate piles for donation, throw-away, sell, upcycle & any other ways you want to recycle them.

How do I know if I should get rid of it?

When deciding whether to part with an item of clothing, keep these guidelines in mind:

If you said “Oh I need to wear that again” last time you decluttered.. and never wore it again.

If it’s been a year or more since you wore it (other than formal wear).

If it just does not fit anymore.

If you were on the fence last time and decided to keep it (don’t do that to yourself again).

If you have multiples (you probably don’t really need two of the same jean jacket in slightly different washes).

What should I keep then?

Stick to the basics & pieces for layering, with a few trendy / special occasion pieces sprinkled throughout. Too many unique or trendy pieces can make it really challenging to style daily outfits, leaving you to wear the same shirt and pair of leggings over and over again.

Keep in mind your lifestyle– Work from home? Really active with kids? Running to and from class? Work in the office? Be sure that your wardrobe reflects your most frequent daily activities.

So many piles! Now what?

Once the damage is done & before putting all your “keep” clothes back, deep clean your empty closet- vacuum, sweep, wipe down, whatever you need to do to get rid of the dirt, dust and any memories attached to those old clothes.

After your “keep” pile is set, hang them back up! Organizing your clothes by type & facing them all same way makes choosing outfits easier.

Finally, take an inventory of the items you have and make note of any items you still need. Not sure what you still need?

Think about the items you always wish you had when styling outfits. Do you ever think, “I need a white t-shirt for these pants” or “a long cardigan would pair really well with this shirt”? Make notes when this happens!

If you were (or maybe still are) hesitant to get rid of something because it’s such a staple, but is really worn out or doesn’t fit right, make a note to replace it.

See our spring fashion must haves for 2021 to get a better idea of what’s up and coming this season or search “Spring Capsule Wardrobe 2021” on Pinterest for plenty of inspiration.

How can I recycle my old clothes?

Here are our favorite ways to recycle your clothes, some of which may even make you a little extra money!

Sell used clothes on a second-hand website like Poshmark or Mercari. The only downside to this option – the clothes may not sell right away and listing your items may take some time. Try picking out a few of your best items instead of your entire giveaway pile for this option.

Sell through retail shops like Plato’s Closet. Some locations are pickier in what they decide to take, so choose your best items (they appreciate name brands!) and see what you can get for them. Plato’s usually purchases clothes for 30-40% of the retail price.

Get your neighbors on a closet decluttering kick and have a yard / garage sale with the whole neighborhood. You can make it just clothes & shoes or a household sale if there are any other items you want to get rid of too.

Of course, donating to local thrift stores is always a great option (and then you can shop in store for those items you still need). If you have excess hangers you can drop them off here too!

Upcycle old clothes into new pieces of clothing. A classic example is turning old jeans into shorts or capris, but Pinterest is teeming with creative upcycling options.

Mission Accomplished.

And now, take a nice deep sigh of relief because your closet is impeccable. Spring has sprung and your closet is ready to go.

Did we leave anything out? Let us & your fellow consumers know your go-to closet decluttering hacks in the comments or @ us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

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